News & Events

  • Flea and Tick Season

    In Kentucky we are in prime flea and tick season. Although fleas can be active year round in the right environment. The deer tick which is the primary carrier of lyme disease can also be active year round as the other two types of ticks which are prevalent in Kentucky (lone star tick and American…

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  • Look Who Is Up For Adoption

    LOOK WHO IS UP FOR ADOPTION! Almost 5 Years Old -Bengal Baby This gorgeous boy is looking for his new forever mother/family. He’s got a lot to say and can be loud about it at times but will have a nice conversation with you. Very lovable and smart! Would be best with someone patient who…

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  • Miracle Myles Update

    From Patti Cockerill Foster Mom Miracle Myles update: For everyone who has been following Myles’s story it is truly remarkable. This tiny 7 pound dog was hit by a car and sustained two fractured legs and a fractured elbow. Dr Alex Shelley performed a complex surgery on him and the results have been amazing. Myles…

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  • Common Household Plants that are Toxic for Cats and Dogs

    With Spring comes the gardening urge. When purchasing plants for your home please keep in mind the plants that could be toxic for your furbaby. Below is a list of common household plants that could be harmful to your pet. Aloe, Amaryllis, Asparagus Fern, Ceriman, Cyclamen, Dracaena, Jade, Lilies, Marijuana, Sago, Palm, Mother In Law’s…

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  • News from Lucky Cat Café

    Sip Coffee. Pet Cats. Relax. Opened in 2018, Lucky Cat Café is a cozy adoption center, with a small coffee shop and gift shop, located in a 100-year-old blue house. Lucky Cat Café partners with Shamrock Foundation, which provides many of the cats that live at Lucky Cat Café. Visitors can sip on coffee and…

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  • Wish List 2022

    If you are interested in making a donation to Shamrock to help our companion animals, here is a list of the items we use the most.  With the changes we have made due to COVID-19, you can contact us by calling (502) 585-3220 to make pickup/delivery arrangements. CAT LOVERS DOG LOVERS BOTH CLEANING SUPPLIES OFFICE…

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  • Spay/Neuter Awareness

    As a pet owner, you can help reduce the pet overpopulation problem by getting your pet spayed (female) or neutered (male). The following chart shows some statistics that you may find interesting. It shows how may litters of puppies and kittens each pair of dogs and cats can have in a year’s period of time.…

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  • Animal Abuse Offender Registry

    On April 9, 2019, Metro Council passed an Animal Abuse Offender Registry Ordinance. This ordinance went into effect October 22, 2019. Louisville Metro Animal Services (MAS) will be operating the Registry for offenders.  The following information was sent to us from MAS. Prior to selling, transferring, exchanging, or adopting an animal to a person you…

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  • Ordinance Targets Backyard Breeders

    Elizabethtown, KY has passed an ordinance in regards to the sale of dogs and cats. Councilwoman Julia Springsteen said they are the first town in Kentucky to make it a criminal offense to sell and buy animals from stores or in public spaces. “This is targeting backyard breeders and this is targeting puppy mills. If…

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  • Keep Pets Safe in the Cold

    5 Ways to Protect Pets This Winter Follow these tips to keep animals safe and comfortable in the cold. In many areas, winter is a season of bitter cold and numbing wetness. Make sure your four-footed family members stay safe and warm by following these simple guidelines. Keep Pets Sheltered Keep your pets inside with…

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