Health News
Keeping Your Animal Healthy
Our wonderful veterinarians occasionally pass on health information and alerts to us, and we thought we would pass them on to you. View the latest Health News articles below.
Hot summer tips for your Furry friends
With temperatures rising it’s important to remember to keep your pets safe in the heat. Please do not leave your dogs in a hot car as temperature in the cars rise far above the outside temperature. Test pavement with your own feet. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dogs feet.…
Flea and Tick Season
In Kentucky we are in prime flea and tick season. Although fleas can be active year round in the right environment. The deer tick which is the primary carrier of lyme disease can also be active year round as the other two types of ticks which are prevalent in Kentucky (lone star tick and American…
Common Household Plants that are Toxic for Cats and Dogs
With Spring comes the gardening urge. When purchasing plants for your home please keep in mind the plants that could be toxic for your furbaby. Below is a list of common household plants that could be harmful to your pet. Aloe, Amaryllis, Asparagus Fern, Ceriman, Cyclamen, Dracaena, Jade, Lilies, Marijuana, Sago, Palm, Mother In Law’s…
Spay/Neuter Awareness
As a pet owner, you can help reduce the pet overpopulation problem by getting your pet spayed (female) or neutered (male). The following chart shows some statistics that you may find interesting. It shows how may litters of puppies and kittens each pair of dogs and cats can have in a year’s period of time.…
Keep Pets Safe in the Cold
5 Ways to Protect Pets This Winter Follow these tips to keep animals safe and comfortable in the cold. In many areas, winter is a season of bitter cold and numbing wetness. Make sure your four-footed family members stay safe and warm by following these simple guidelines. Keep Pets Sheltered Keep your pets inside with…
Keep Pets Safe in the Heat
How and where to cool animals down when temperatures soar. The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets and people. It’s difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, let alone thick humidity, but things really get tough in areas that are hit with the double blow of intense heat and storm-caused power outages, sometimes…